The Box: Think Inside It

"Think outside the box" is perhaps the most common reference to the box as being a representation of all that is average, common, ordinary, standard and so on. The application of this metaphor, almost ironically, is infinite. Whether it is the box you stair at all day or your office or the limitations of human consciousness with regards to any type of creativity or the cultural operating system you adhere to, the application of the box and our desire to break outside of it remains the same.

The important concept to understand that as a human being, you reside within many different boxes, never just one. This is part of what makes each individual unique even though all of these boxes may seem ordinary. It is when a connection is made between two or more of them that extraordinary things can happen.

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.” - William Blake

Thinking outside of the box, being creative that is, doesn't seem as difficult all of a sudden. Instead of staring into infinite nothingness in search of inspiration, you may look through the contents of other boxes. The light bulb moment is actually the identification of link between ordinary things, two seemingly unconnected boxes of ideas.


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