After my original enthusiasm for this project waned, I lost direction and gave up. It's a normal phase that I go through and I must grow to expect it. But by no means is Pyrameia over. I'm back with new ideas, new inspiration and new motivation. Even still, the question remains: What is Pyrameia?
It is a difficult question to answered. Ideas are always coming and going. Enthusiasm rises and falls like the tide. So the answer is that Pyrameia is about nothing.
This new purpose leaves it open as an outlet of creative expression unopposed by restrictions. At some point, I will be able to look back and see patterns and ideas that interconnect into a bigger picture. Or maybe I'll finally be able to focus on a single project to completion. Who knows?
Some initial thoughts and ideas for Pyrameia were about writing a living story. A story that evolves as the world does or breaks out chapters to niche audience eager to read what happens next. Then came ideas of writing up some of my poetry and thoughts from my 4 month trip in Europe of this year. Finally, I wanted to write up dream sequences, both real and created.
But it's difficult for me to remain enthusiastic about these things when the ideas don't live up to expectations. It doesn't help that I am interested in such a broad variety of subjects. It's impossible to choose one when my interest in subjects rises and falls.
That's why there is no longer a limitation on my expression. I'll write whatever I'm interested in or inspired by whenever it happens. I'll write it straight to the posting page of Blogger to make sure it doesn't lie wasting away on my hard-drive.
You'll see me coming back to this topic again and again as I struggle to define who I want to become creatively.
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